Everything you need to know about PEFFs
Why are embedded fixtures and fittings missed?
Until an accountant, owner or leaseholder instigates the process of identification i.e. a room by room survey, with the appropriate costing of these qualifying items, they will remain unclaimed and a potentially substantial benefit to the client will remain hidden.
Who can claim the benefit?
The tax benefit is available to the individual, company or partnership that incurred the relevant expenditure or purchased the property.
How is the tax benefit claimed?
The claim is used to generate a tax refund where possible and is used as a tax credit to reduce future tax liabilities. Capital Allowance Review Service ensures the tax benefit is incorporated in the most efficient way for the Client’s circumstance.
As part of our comprehensive service, once we have highlighted the unclaimed capital allowances, we request any available tax repayments from HMRC. Capital Allowance Review Service submits the request to HMRC on behalf of the Client and provides support for a further 12 months.
Movable Items include
PCs and Workstations
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Immovable Embedded Items include
Heating Systems
Electrical Systems
Health & Safety
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